VFW Post 8587 Georgetown Cook-Off Sept. 21-22

VFW Post 8587 2nd Annual Georgetown BBQ Cook-Off

VFW Post 8587, our neighbors by the park, are hosting their second annual BBQ cook-off on September 21 and 22.  They have again asked us to be the recipients of any funds raised at the accompanying silent auction. We are in need of donations for the silent auction and can use your help.  If you have an item to donate, please email us at animalsvc@georgetown.org.  We will collect the items at the shelter – be sure to tell us it is for the silent auction.

The more donations we receive, the more funds we can raise to support the animals we help to find their forever homes!  If you are interested in participating in the cook-off, see below. And of course, come out and eat some BBQ!


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