Shelter Manager Retires

Animal Shelter Manager Jackie Carey, Georgetown Police Chief Wayne Nero, Police Records Supervisor Mary Azam

Congratulations to Jackie Carey (and Mary Azam) on their retirements after 21 years of service with the City. Jackie started as a data entry clerk, began the volunteer and fund-raising programs in the late 90s, and transformed the shelter after she became the director in 2010. We are proud of all we accomplished under her leadership!

From the shelter’s newsletter:

Never did I imagine when I started here in 1995 as a part time data entry clerk that someday I would be retiring from here with a pension!  I’ve had the good fortune of creating this position and doing the things that I enjoyed.  In my tenure I started our volunteer program (hundreds of volunteers have gone thru the orientation), started an education program, and started our temperament testing program. Under my guidance our shelter has achieved “NO KILL” the last 2 years. I’m probably most proud of what a wonderful group of people that I work with!  Our staff here are amazing people that love their jobs and working with dogs and cats.  The compliments that we receive constantly are a testament to their devotion to this shelter. Working with our volunteers has always been the favorite part of my job.  We have several volunteers that have been working with us for 10 years +, and their dedication to our shelter is phenomenal.

Since I’ll still be in Georgetown I’ll be watching from the sidelines and always rooting on our shelter and all of their accomplishments.  If you see me around town, say hello, I’ll be glad to see my old friends!

Thank you for a fabulous ride, it’s very bittersweet to say goodbye.


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